The 1st International Congress of Psychomotricity of FMH, has the participation of international speakers of great renown in Psychomotricity. Get to know each one of them.
Full Professor at the University of Murcia, Spain
Researcher at the Research Group "Ingesport"
Director of the International Master of Psychomotricity;
Professor Honoris Causa OIPR;
Researcher at the Sports, Management and Recreation Research Group, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia-Spain;
Coordinator of the EuroAmerican Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sports and Recreation Network;
More than 50 articles published in Scientific Journals;
More than 15 projects;
More than 100 communications at National and International congresses;
More than 300 courses taught;
Wrote 15 books / chapters.
Psychomotor Therapist;
PhD in Developmental Psychology
Associate researcher at the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Health Processes;
Member of the Scientific Committee of the French Society of Neonatology;
Pedagogical Coordinator of ISRP;
Member of the Editorial Committee of the "CONTRASTE" Magazine.
Degree in Pre-School Education;
Degree in Special Education
Post-graduation in Psychomotricity
Certified in Grafomotricity
Diploma in Philosophy and Pedagogy and Diploma in Creativity Development
Full professor of Posgrado and Master in Psicomotricidad y Relajación, of the International Organization in Psicomotricidad, since 1994 it closes;
Professor since 1998 del Diplomado Psicomotricidad Educativa; at the Universidad Iberoamericana de León, Puebla, Veracruz and Mexico;
Coordinator and professor since 2007 of Diplomados Psicomotricidad Educativa y Psicomotor strategies, at the Universidad de Monterrey;
Professor of the International Master in Psychomotricity of the ISRP, France. Chair of the Magister in Educational Psychomotricity at the Finis Terrae University, Santiago de Chile;
Title Honoris Cause for the worldwide contributions in the discipline of psychomotricity. (Paris, France 2008, OIPR).
Full Professor - Faculty of Human Motricity, University of Lisbon
He is currently part of the Sports and Health Department and the Motor Behavior Laboratory;
President of Casa da Praia-Centro Doutor João dos Santos (2016-2020);
Effective member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon (2015-2017);
President of the Faculty of Human Motricity (2010-2014).
Docente especialista em Psicomotricidade
Licenciada em Educación Física - UNFV
Second Specialty in Early Intervention UNIFE. Faculty of Special Education;
Director Catp Integra (Center for Primary Care and Psychomotricity) Oxapampa - Lima;
Secretary of Management AELAC Peru Chapter (Association of Educators of Latin America and the Caribbean);
Peruvian delegate to OIPR (French International Psychomotricity and Relaxation Organization);
Advisor SM (Editorial Santa Maria);
Professor of Psychomotricity, at Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen 2005-2015;
Professor of Didactics of Psychomotricity at PUCP (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) 2009-2011;
APSIP board member. Peruvian Association of Psychomotricity (2011);
National and International Speaker.
Psychomotor Therapis
Psychologist and Human Movement Scientist
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Motor learning & Performance; IBBA Institute of Brain and Behaviour; AMS Amsterdam Movement Science - Rehabilitation & Development;
Coordinator of the Minor Psychomotor Therapy;
Supervisor of bachelor, master and PhD students for clinical and research projects related to psychomotor interventions.
Full Professor - Rovira University | Virgili (Tarragona)
Department of Psychology - Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Director of the International Master in Education and Psychomotor Therapy;
Coordinator of the Research Group "Psychological Development, Psychomotricity and Intervention in Educational Contexts";
Vice-rector of Institutional Relations, Culture and Social Commitment.
Psychologist and Psychomotor Therapist
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Psychomotricity - State University of Ceará
Coordinator of the Latu Senso Specialization Course at the State University of Ceará - Fortaleza - Ceará-Brazil;
Master in Special Education;
Coordinator of the Academic Committee of the Brazilian Association of Psychomotricity / ABP;
First honorary citizen of the Latin American Network of Universities with Training in Psychomotricity;
Designed, implemented, coordinated and today supervises the Psychomotricity sector of the Instituto da Primeira Infância-IPREDE, in Fortalece / Ce;
Author of several books.
Teacher in Psychomotor Education
Co-founder of the Psychomotricity training at the Salesian University of Bolivia, professor and current director of the same;
President of the Bolivian Association of Psychomotricity;
Master in Pedagogical Innovation - University of Barcelona, Spain;
Specialist in Human Development-CELADIC;
IDB consultant for the "Grow Well to Live Well" Program of the Ministry of Health of Bolivia - Early Child Development Unit;
Delegate OIPR (International Psychomotricity and Relaxation Organization) from Bolivia;
Professor Honoris Causa granted by OIPR for being a pioneer in the training of psychomotricists in Bolivia.
Psychomotor Therapist
Director of the Professional School of Psychomotricity;
Coordinator of the International Master of Psychomotricity, in agreement with ISRP (France) and the University of Murcia (Spain);
Vice-President of OIPR and delegate from Italy;
National Delegate of the European Psychomotricity Forum;
Director of Revista de Psicomotricidade "ReS".
Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery
Decoration of the Order of Merit Awarded by the President of the Italian Republic;
Associate Professor of Neurology, World Federation of Neurology;
Professor Honoris Causa by the International Organization for Psychomotricity and Relaxation, Paris - France;
Epilepsy Ambassador granted by the International Bureau for Epilepsy - International League against Epilepsy;
Director of the National Epilepsy Center of Ecuador;
Director of the School of Developmental Neurology and Psychomotricity;
Delegate of the Latin American Committee of the International Organization of Psychomotricity and Relaxation.
General Delegate of the French Federation of Psychomotor Therapists,
Member of the Higher Council of Paramedical Professions and Member of the Inter-Academic Commission
Psychomotor Therapist;
General Delegate of the French Federation of Psychomotor Therapists;
Secretary-General of the International Psychomotricity and Relaxation Organization;
Member of the Superior Council for Paramedical Professions of the Minister of Health;
Member of the Inter-Academic Commission for National Education.
PhD in Psychology
Clinical psychologist, Psychomotor Therapist and family therapist at the Centro de Psicología y Psicomotricidad Luden.
Co-responsible for the Psychomotor Care Program of public schools in Terrassa;
President of the Professional Council of the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia;
Director of the post-graduate course “Psychomotor Therapy” taught at COPC;
Author of the book: Psychomotor approach to developmental difficulties ”ed. Horsori.
Psychologist- Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Human Movement, Health and Wellbeing
Child psychologist;
Head of the research group on Movement Behaviour, Health and Wellbeing at the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle;
Works as senior researcher at the University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, University Center of Psychiatry Rob Giel Onderzoekcentrum.
Responsible and advisor to the therapeutic team at "Residencia Berzosa" - Mental Health Prevention Unit for Guarded Minors in the Children's Area of Social Services in the Community of Madrid
Honoris Causa Diploma by OIPR (International Organization for Psychomotricity and Relaxation-Paris, France);
President of the CITAP Psychomotricists Association and the CITAP Foundation;
Responsible and advisor to the therapeutic team at "Residencia Berzosa" - Mental Health Prevention Unit for Guarded Minors in the Children's Area of Social Services in the Community of Madrid
Psychomotor Therapist at ISPE-GAE - Higher Institute of Psychomotricity and Education - Special Activities Group
Post-graduation in Psychomotricity ISPE-GAEOIPR / FMABC in 2007;
Professor in the Graduate Program in Psychomotricity at ISPEGAE-OIPR / FMABC since 2008;
Honoris Causa em Psicomotricidade, OIPR - Organization de Psychomotricite et Relaxation;
Participation in several national and international events;
Author of several research projects and book chapters.
Professor of Psychomotricity and Motology at Philipps University of Marburg
Psychomotor Therapist
Head of the Applied Movement Research Institute at the Psychomotor Association, Bonn (2001-2005);
Member of the Scientific Association for Psychomotor & Motology WVPM;
Delegate of the German professional associations of psychomotricity and motricity (DGfPM) at the European Forum for Psychomotor (EFP);
Co-editor of the magazine "motorik - magazine for psychomotor skills in development, education and health" in Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Psychomotor Therapist
Assistant Professor - Campus Randers
Psychomotor Therapist since 2012 and teacher, assistant professor, at one of the two schools in Denmark, VIA University College, which offers the professional bachelor's programme in psychomotor therapy.
Master’s degree in learning processes from Aalborg University, DK;
Teach in themes like the history of the education and profession, theoretical subjects as didactics and pedagogic, and practice, PMT methods.
Psychomotor Therapist
Degree in Physical Education
Specialized in Management and Conduction of Educational Centers
Director and creator of the Degree in Psychomotor Therapy at the University of Morón (Argentina);
He was Academic Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychomotor Therapy at the UNIBE University of Asunción, Paraguay;
Director and creator of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychomotor skills from the CAECE University of Buenos Aires;
Professor Honoris Causa of the Organization Internationale de Psychomotricité et Relaxation, Paris, France;
Associate Director of the Ibero-American Journal of Psychomotricity and Body Techniques;
Member of the Board of Directors of the Fortaleza Network (Network of Ibero-American Universities with Training in Psychomotricity);
Member of the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Neuroeducation Association; Teacher in the Bachelor's Degree in Psychomotricity at the University of Morón;
He was a member of the Council for Participation and Consultation on Private Management Education of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and of the Board of Directors of the Association of Argentine Special Education Institutes (AIEPESA).
Relational Psychomotor Therapist
Specialist Psychomotor Therapist Titled by SBP - Brazilian Society of Psychomotricity;
Relational Psychomotor Therapist and Psychomotor Therapist Ramain (Simonne Ramain Methodology);
Clinical supervisor and specialist in psychoanalytic clinic for autism and psychosis;
Invited professor at UECE - Ceará State University; UNIPÊ-João Pessoa University Center; UNIFIP- University Center of Patos; CIIAP-Inclusive Interdisciplinary Academic Center of Pernambuco; UNIFOR - University of Fortaleza and BAHIANA - School of Medicine and Public Health;
President of the Pernambuco Chapter of the Brazilian Psychomotricity Association and member of the National Scientific Committee;
Author of several books.
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics- University of Lisbon
Coordinator of the Master in Psychomotor Rehabilitation
Vice-president of the Faculty of Human Motricity between 2010 and 2014 and since 2018;
Founding Member and Portuguese Delegate of the European Psychomotricity Forum from 1996 to 2017 and its president between 2011 and 2017;
Portuguese Delegate of the International Psychomotricity and Relaxation Organization since 1989;
Honoris Causa by the International Psychomotricity and Relaxation Organization, for its contribution to the international development of Psychomotricity;
Founding Member and President of the Portuguese Psychomotricity Association from 2001 to 2010, and its Vice-President from 2010 to 2017.
Physical Education Teacher- Psychopedagogue
International Master of Psychomotor Therapy ISRP, France;
Delegate in Chile of the International Organization of Psychomotor and Relaxation OIPR, France;
Doctorate in Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal;
Academic Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile