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The I International Congress of Psychomotor Therapy of the Faculty of Human Kinectics, corresponding to the III Scientific Journeys of Psychomotor Therapy, will take place in a period of great uncertainty, linked to the situation of an epidemic experienced worldwide.

In this new framework of life, we are all faced in our daily lives, with new challenges of adaptation, in which the continuity processes linked to our routines and rituals in personal and professional life, involve us in continuous unpredictability and in necessary problem solving processes. 


The body is confronted with an imposing presence of the virtual, and being true that it opens up new possibilities in distance communication, it also creates a distance in bodily proximity and in the possibility of sharing affections in person, without restrictions.


Psychomotor intervention, due to its relational specificity, mediated by the body and movement, significant in its cognitive and socioemotional expression, also feels this pressure of discontinuity and questions about its future.


In this context of uncertainty, this congress aims to project itself in a vision of continuity of Psychomotor Therapy, as a professional area, arguing unequivocally that the affirmation and the reinforcement of its identity, can only be seen in a framework of validation and scientific evidence, confirmed research and professional practices.


In addition to the circumstance of the moment, which will leave its positive marks in some innovations resulting from the demands of this atypical time, the congress essentially wants to value the vision of continuity of Psychomotor Therapy foundations and its long-term impacts on the three sub-themes of the congress, correspond to professional development contexts: Mental Health, Development and Learning and Functionality and Quality of Life.


The fact that the congress is held in online format, also offers us the possibility of counting on the collaboration of lecturers of great reputation in their areas of expertise, with relevant publications and also because many of them hold positions in the leadership of bachelor or master's degree in Psychomotor Therapy.


We count on your participation, because only in a perspective of professional proximity, we can, through our joint reflection, define routes that lead us to a professional situation scientifically confirmed, stable and recognized in its specificity and effectiveness.

Rui Martins

President of the Scientific Comission

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